France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

30 June 2010

le Tour de France

This year's Tour de France starts this Saturday, 3 July, and ends on Sunday 21 July.  Although I will be in France for much of the Tour, fate does not bring the tour close enough to see.  Which is disappointing, because I really want to see the Caravan, the circus of sponsor vans, etc., that sets up and runs before the riders arrive at the finish.  I hear that there is all sorts of free stuff to be had; but I'll miss it in person.  However, I'll follow in the French newspapers and on television.  You can do the same; there is a website that has all the information that you will ever want to know about the Tour - history, jerseys (there's more than just the yellow jersey, there is a white jersey with red polka dots, a green jersey, and a lantern for the rider who is last).  Take a look, and then remember to watch the Tour!
Tour de France 2010 website

25 June 2010

I am now able to blog from my cell phone. C'est extraordinaire!

23 June 2010

World Cup excitement!

I awoke up early this morning to watch the US vs. Algeria match.  What drama - all those shots that didn't go in, the feeling of desperation as time wound down, and the elation as we finally scored.  I am among those who only tune in for the World Cup, which probably annoys the soccer purists, but I do watch! 

18 June 2010

French schools - an interesing way to keep kids in class!

Everyone seems to be at a loss to help keep students in school.

World Cup musings

Watching the World Cup match between USA and Slovenia -here on the West Coast, that means getting up early and listening to the constant drone of the vuvuzuelas.  But as a sports fan and a French teacher, gotta keep up with all the sports!  Lots of drama and yellow cards.
Let's go USA!