France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

30 January 2012

A test

I now have a new smartphone and I am having fun with all the new apps that I can have.  Now I will be able to blog from wherever I am!

21 January 2012

Get Lost in Paris

As I was cleaning the living room this afternoon, I came across this article from the New York Times.  I just had to sit down a read it, and it is wonderful.  Wherever you are, take the time to 'get lost' - to go everywhere and nowhere at the same time and discover new things about a place you thought you already knew.  I am definitely going to try it in March (although it will be difficult with students) so I guess I will have to go back on my own.  What is your favorite part of Paris?  Let's start the conversation!
Get Lost in Paris

19 January 2012

Madame Steinem would approve

Madame Steinem would approve
An interesting article about how to address women. I had no idea that Germany did away with "fraulein" in 1972. Who knew?

17 January 2012

Les soldes!

Bonjour à tous!
It's January, and if you are going to Paris you can benefit from all the sales.  In France, sales are official only in the month of January and July.  Prices are cut and everyone is excited to buy big and small items.  But some of you will say that you have been in France in other months and noticed price reductions.  Those aren't "official" sales, and the word can't be used.  So, there are "prix spécial", and réductions, but no sales.  Here is a link to a great  explanation of the whole idea.
Checking out the sales can be tricky - if you're at a big department store like the Galeries Lafayette, things are pretty much like they are here in the States.  But in smaller boutiques and stores, you greet the shopkeeper, and then let her know what you're looking for.  No rifling through the stacks of clothes, just ask for things.  If what you're interested in doesn't fit, there is no problem.  Just say "merci, au revoir" and leave.
Although this isn't a photo of the soldes, I love this picture of old 2-chevaux waiting to take visitors on a tour of Paris.

A plus tard!

08 January 2012

Bonne Annee!

Happy 2012 to all of you!  Since it is a new year, I have decided to start the year with a resolution to really keep up with the blog this year.  I had a great holiday - five days in Barcelona, then time with friends and family at the Fiesta Bowl.
This year, my blog will deal with things French and travel.  I will be posting photos from past travels, and letting you know of opportunities for learning French and traveling - avec moi, bien sur!
But first, a funny video to start things out.  And if you would like to learn to speak French, or maybe keep up what you've learned through a conversation class, let's talk!
Speaking French when you don't know how.