France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

28 October 2014

New happenings in the Paris art world

Bonjour tout le monde!
This is a fun week in France, especially if you are a student. No, it has nothing directly to do with Halloween, but with November 1 - All Saint's Day.  Tradition dictates that families attend special church services memorializing family members who have died; they also go to the cemetery, clean off the tomb, and leave flowers.  Chrysanthemums are popular for this occasion (which is why one never gives this flower as a hostess gift when invited to dinner).

Besides families on vacation, there are a couple of art museums that have opened recently.  The most famous is the Louis Vuitton Foundation Museum.  The $130 million building is located in the Bois de Boulogne, and resembles a glass cloud, a spaceship floating on the ocean, or even a bird.  Frank Gehry says that the design of the building was inspired by glass architecture of the late 19th century, as well as a children's park that is located nearby. Located inside the "glass ship" are art gallery spaces, a concert hall, and even an upscale restaurant!  For more information:

On the home front, things are settling into a rhythm that really isn't consistent.  But that is the whole point of not working a regular schedule.  I have started to have regular students, plus a few clients who have short term needs - just one or two sessions.  I also managed to get students in the same geographical areas to get help on the same day - hooray for me and my gas mileage!
I am still working on my next trip to France, but have narrowed the choice down to Food and Wine in Southwest France.  Date and price to come next month.
In the meantime - do you know that it is almost time for the release of the Beaujolais Nouveau?  Thursday, November 20 is the big date - I am trying to figure out the best time for a party to enjoy this young red wine which is best consumed within the year and served chilled.
For more info:

What is your favorite wine?  Favorite wine story?  Do tell!!!

15 October 2014

Save the French program at Univ of Southern Maine!

Bonjour tout le monde!
I don't usually ask my followers to do anything, but this is close to my heart.  The University of Southern Maine is cutting its entire French program.  Besides the lecturers and professors who will lose their jobs, it is important to give the students there the most opportunities to expand their horizons.
Also, the French language is a key factor in Maine's economy: for over half its export revenue, and a big chunk of its tourism and foreign investment.  It is also a key to the cultural history of the state with the highest proportion of residents of francophone heritage in the US, and a number of small cities and towns where the majority of the population speaks French

To sign the petition click here

07 October 2014

Nice, a nice place to visit

Bonjour tout le monde!
I have come back from 10 days in France.  It has been awhile since I was in France in the fall, and I was excited to be there when the crowds were a little lighter.
The tour started in Nice. Our hotel was at the end of the Promenade du Paillon, which is a park created when the Paillon River was placed underground.  It is lovely.

We wandered around Vieux Nice and had lunch at a really cool place, l'Atmosphere.  My fellow travelers had salads, but I can't resist moules frites!  They were delicicous, a perfect way to start our time in France.