France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

22 June 2015

What if...?

Bonjour tout le monde!
And a happy Monday to you all.  I am feeling just a bit  philosophical this morning, so bear with me.
Today's question is "What if...?"
What if you could do what you want without fear?  If money were no option?  If you could wave a magic wand and change a thing or two?
Would you travel more?  Spend more time with friends and family?  Do something totally different with your life?  It's an interesting proposition, isn't it?

My what if ?  If I could, I would have something that allowed me to speak French and travel and get paid for it (bien sur!).  I'm a teacher, what if I could do training and teaching wherever I wanted to be.  I would have a beautiful new kitchen, oh, since I'm dreaming, I would have a beautiful new house in the same spot - those Pinterest  photos would finally be of my rooms!

What if I could have a place in Paris?  Just enough space for Michael and me to stay for a couple of weeks whenever we wanted.  Charm, but just modern enough for my husband.
What if Michael had meetings that took us to our favorite spots?  the Pacific Northwest, and also the Atlantic Coast, with stops in Houston, or wherever else  we wanted?
And the big "What if?"  Financial security.

What are your "what if"s?  If you feel brave enough, list just one here in the comments. After all, I hear that if you put it into the Universe, it might just respond, n'est-ce pas?