France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

28 March 2013

On bouffe?

Bonjour tout le monde!
I was doing some research for my ladies who are going to France.  One of them is a vegetarian, and if you have ever traveled outside of the US, it is often hard to find places that offer vegetarian meals.  My husband, fortunately, does eat fish, so we can visit most restaurants without problems.
What does one do, though, when you want a decent meal and baguette et fromage doesn't do it anymore?  I found this website:  that has a list of vegetarian restaurants plus commentary.
If you want the quintessential Parisian eating experience, try the Bouillon Chartier.  It is located in the 9th arrondissement (near the Opera house). To get to the restaurant, you have to go through a door and walk across a courtyard before entering the restaurant.  Be prepared to share a table if there are a lot of people - we Americans sometimes find that a bit strange.  Even if you do, don't worry about having to converse...

Bon appetit!

27 March 2013

Pope François 1

Bonjour tout le monde!
a beautiful house in the city of Avignon
The recent election of Pope Francis 1 (or in French, François 1er) made me think of the town of Avignon.  From 1348 until 1791, Avignon was the seat of the Papacy.  Seven popes (including a Benedict) lived in the Palais des Papes, situated inside the walls of the city. I have visited the palace several times; the first time, I was very disappointed, because the palace was pretty much empty and we just wandered around from room to room.  However, since then they have done a ton to the site, and now there are furnishings in many rooms, plus you can learn about the place from your self guided earphones!
Besides the Palais, also in Avignon is the famous Pont d'Avignon, site of the famous song.  Half of the bride washed away about 400 years ago, but you can walk on what is left, and even dance if you want to!
What I love about Avignon is the town's beauty, all the history, and the gorgeous Rhone river where you can find the bridge.  There are beautiful "places" everywhere in town, and you can shop to your heart's content.  I bought one of my favorite tablecloths here!  Since it is in the heart of Provence, everything provençal can be found in town.
the Pont is on the left

12 March 2013

la neige à Paris!

Bonjour tout le monde!
It is March, but don't tell the weather.  It snowed in Northern Europe last night and today, pretty much bringing everything to a halt.  Even the Eurostar wasn't running, and it pretty much runs all the time.  When I was a student in Paris (back in the dark ages of the 70's), it snowed, but quickly changed to very dirty slush. Ugh.  However, in November of 2005, it snowed, just a couple of inches.  Enough to make everything white, but not enough to bring all to a halt.  In Versailles, people got a kick out of being the first to walk in the beautiful white snow and building a bonhomme de neige.  I will have to look for my old snowy photos, but to keep you until then, here is a photo of my favorite Canal St. Martin looking pretty with a coat of snow today (courtesy of the Huffington Post).