France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

27 November 2015

Black Friday Special to Paris and Barcelona, and a chance to win your tour for FREE!

Bonjour tout le monde,
Thinking of coming with me to Paris and Barcelona in June of 2016?  Here are some incentives that will have you getting ready to pack your bags.  However, enroll on the tour this weekend and take advantage of money off the price of your tour, up to $75 off an excursion of your choice, and the chance to win your tour for FREE!!!!!

16 November 2015

A note from the New York Times

Bonjour tout le monde
Gertrude Stein once said, "America is my country, and Paris is my hometown."  Imagine my thoughts during the events on Friday in Paris.  I am slated to travel to Paris twice in 2016, once with a school and another time with adults.  Naturally, people have questions, and here is a thoughtful answer from the New York Times.
With the title of "What Travelers Can Expect in Paris", this is a thoughtful and useful article on traveling now, and maybe later.