France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

30 March 2021

Travel Hesitancy...

Bonjour tout le monde!

As more and more people get, thoughts are turning to traveling. Some folks actually never stopped traveling - resorts and hotels in Mexico and the Caribbean stayed open, using COVID testing during, the worst of the pandemic.  But now, we are ready to hunt out those suitcases, put liquids in those little bottles and get onto a plane - masked, of course!

When it the right time to plan a vacation?  NOW!  Even if the vacation spot of your choice is not open to those traveling with US passports, 2022 is just around the corner in the travel world.  It is not too early to check out smaller cruise companies, some of the larger ones, the vacation resorts and hotels.  

Why plan now? Well, why not? You can secure a (state) room, lock in the best price while prices are good and some places are giving discounts to get their regulars back.  Think about it, prices will start going up soon...  

This gives you the most time to pay for your trip - there are programs that allow you to pay
as you go, or you can save up a deposit.

Europe isn't open now...that is true, but don't you want to have a plan in place when it opens?  Be at the front of the pack, instead of trying to hunt for that perfect spot and hope that your dates are available. When you make your plans, be sure to confirm that you can reschedule if needed, or that you can cancel with a full refund. 

There is still time to take a deep breath, exhale and then contact me to reserve your spot on my 2022 tour to France.  The time is now to  plan, you can pay in monthly installments, prices are low (but will increase), there are flexible rebooking options, and once the tour is booked up, you are out of luck!

email me-

23 March 2021

Avignon, the palace and the bridge


Bonjour tout le monde!

Located on the Rhône river, Avignon is famous for its bridge and the Palace of the Popes. The bridge, officially named le Pont Saint-Bénézet, is a medieval bridge that is found on Avignon side of the Rhône.  

First a wooden bridge, then made of stone, the Pont Saint-Bénézet had 22 arches and the bridge went across the river.  However, floods damaged the arches, and now only four arches and the gatehouse on the Avignon side remain.  There is also a chapel of Saint Nicholas on a lower level of the bridge.  

That doesn’t stop tourists from singing the song “Sur le Pont d’Avignon” or from dancing near the Tour Philippe-le-Bel. Since 1995, what is left of the bridge, as well as the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes) and Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms were classified at UNESCO World Heritage sites.

The Palais des Papes was the seat of Western Christianity during the 14th century; six papal conclaves were held here electing six popes. Although popes returned to Rome in 1403, the Palace and Avignon remained under papal control until 1789 and the start of the French Revolution.

When you travel with Jacki to France in 2022, you will get a chance to tour the palace and the center of Avignon.  Parts of the palace have been restored and tourists take a self-guided tour. Afterwards, there is plenty of time to browse in the little shops and perhaps find that perfect souvenir!  The Provençal tablecloths and napkins are perfect for you or for a gift!

Reserve your spot on this tour by Friday, 3/26 with only $99 to save your place! 
email: to find out more and to get the reservation form.

18 March 2021

Cassis and the Calanques

 Cassis and the Calanques

Bonjour tout le monde!

One of the most impressive sights on the Riviera, Provence and Paris tour is seeing the Calanques of Cassis.  These wonderful and unique geological formations are made of limestone or granite.  They create deep, narrow gorges that go down into the sea, which reminds many of Norwegian fjords. 

The only way to see the calanques is to hike in or take a boat. Where the land meets the water there is often a small beach; people hike in with picnic baskets or they come in on small boats to spend a lovely afternoon in good weather. Boat cruises to see these calanques are made out of Cassis, a small fishing village just east of Marseilles (and which has nothing to do with the lovely liqueur, cassis). These short cruises show you a few of these gorgeous calanques between Cassis and Marseilles. 



I have been lucky enough to make one of these short boat trips and see the gorgeous calanques.  If you want to see theses marvels of limestone and granite, sign up for the Riviera, Provence and Paris trip in September 2022.  Find out more about this trip at the informational Zoom meeting Monday, September 22 at 5 pm PDT.  Fill out the contact form here to get the information for Monday’s meeting, and to have me contact you.  Spread the word!  The more the merrier on this great trip.


Jacki Williams-Jones


17 March 2021

Nice, France

 Bonjour tout le monde
Where are we going in 2022?

I'm back! And going to France in 2022!

 Bonjout tout le monde!

I realize that it has been "a minute" since I have written a blog post.  There isn't any excuse; I was trying something new, got into travel, and then...2020 happened.  It was very hard to stay inside, and not travel, even within my own city! So, I ordered groceries and food, binge watched television and learned all about Zoom.
Now things are looking up!  Restrictions are being lifted, people are getting vaccinated and we can even eat inside of restaurants!  It's time to think about travel, and there isn't a moment to lose.  I am organizing a tour of the French Riviera and Paris, with the possibility of also touring Normandy.  

If you are interested, there is an informational Zoom coming up on Monday, March 24 at 5 pm 
PDT.  RSVP to get Zoom info at email address .  Can't make the meeting but still have questions?  contact me at or fill out the information form here: