France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

18 July 2010

Des choses

Bonjour tout le monde!
We are so busy here that I don't have the proper time to catch up on my blog, but I promise a real update with photos as soon as possible.  In the meantime, we have done quite a lot.  On Saturday, we went to the Pays Beaujolais and saw a very quaint village - Oignt - the pronunciation sounds as nasal as it looks.  Our guide was comprehensive and talked about the history of the town from almost the beginning, which is a long time ago.  The views from the tower were fabulous; we could see all the way back to Lyon.
On our way to the next thing, our visit to the Beaujolais museum, we experienced a huge traffic jam caused by a bad accident that caused 5 "blesses" who had to be medivaced off the highway.  While cars are stopped, everyone gets out.  Some eat, others take a walk or just chat with their neighbors.  We were an hour late to the museum, so missed most of the tour, but got to do the most important thing, taste the beaujolais.
Sunday's weather was better; it didn't get really hot until the late afternoon.  We visited a mosque; our tour was led by a lovely young woman.
Photos plus tard.

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