France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

09 August 2010


After the program in Lyon was over, I took the train from Lyon to Annecy, and was met by Cynthia, a former student (class of '89).  She lives in a small town, Frangy) about 30 minutes away.  I had such a good visit; on Sunday, we went to a birthday party for a friend of Cynthia's. The party was near Lake Annecy, but in the hills.  Here is a view of the lake from the gite where the party was held. 

This is Cynthia and me in the car.  I love these kind of photos!

The gite is a place you can rent; guest rooms, party sites, etc.  This one has a great view of the lake, as well as being in a lovely spot.  There was a tent set up over the terrace, and we could use the kitchen and great room (at the end of the tent)

 On our way to the party, we followed this car.  Can you see the A on the rear?  The driver just received his/her license; the A (for apprenti) is on the car for two years (2 years!)...

Just one of the desserts - this one says Happy Birthday.  It was fruit covered by sweetened creme fraiche (which is sort of like sour cream, but not)

What I learned at the party is that everyone is a friend, so giving bises was the order of the day.  Also, this time one started on the left instead of the right.  I had a wonderful time talking with those around me, and the conversation included politics.  President Obama is still well loved by people here, and they seemed to know more about our healthcare system that I do!  Of course, saying goodbye took time, since you have to give bises to everyone on the way out.

01 August 2010

The biggest change that I must get used to: greeting people with only one kiss. That is now foreign to me since I am used to 2 kisses, sometimes 3!

Home Sweet Home

Bonjour and Hi!
Last Wednesday, I flew home to Los Angeles.  When I checked in, my suitcase was 4 pounds over the weight limit.  I either had to get rid of those 4 pounds or pay 150 euro... I found and got rid of those 4 pounds, which, of course, went into my carry on. My seats on both flights were in the back of the plane, but I did make a connection with a couple of the flight attendants on the first flight, so it was OK.  However, the Paris-Minneapolis flight was 40 minutes late, so I had to hustle in heels (they were my heaviest shoes :) to make the next flight.  But I made it!
Nothing is better than coming down that escalator at LAX into the baggage claim and see my husband waiting for me!  Since we have been married, this is the longest time that we have been apart.  It is good to be at home in my own bed with my own pillows, sheets, and the dog who always wants to take my spot. 
Now that I am home, have rested a bit, I am ready to finish up with the rest of my trip. 
A bientot!