France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

25 April 2012

Visiting Paris

Last week I had the chance to talk with a former student who is going to spend two weeks in Paris this summer.  After being jealous for about 20 minutes, I got over it, and we got down to business. 
If you're going to be in Paris for any length of time, you want to get a Metro pass.  Check out this fabulous webpage,! On the webpage, you can buy a metro pass good for 1, 2, 3, or 5 days.  The amount that you pay per pass depends on the number of zones you purchase.  If you are just traveling around Paris and the closest suburbs, get the zone 1-3 pass, and you are good to go!  The passes, which look just like a regular metro ticket, start when you use them the first time.  You even get a cool holder to keep your pass in!  This avoids having to deal with carnet (a group of 10 tickets that you can buy) and all those individual metro tickets that collect in your pockets, purses, books, etc.  The coolest thing about buying the metro passes is that you can pay in American dollars; the tickets will be delivered to your hotel and waiting for you when you arrive.  Michael and I did that when we went to Paris on our own, and it was awesome.
While Emily and I were looking at the ParisMetro website, we noticed that Museum passes were also available for sale.  Emily and her mom love museums, so we took a look.  Museum passes are good for 2, 4 or 6 days; at first we thought they might only go for two days.  Then we looked at the list of museums you can visit with the pass - it's immense!  Even if you aren't a "museum person", buy a 4 day pass to see as much as possible.  The cool thing about the museum pass - you can bypass the ticket line, and go straight into the museum.  You can buy the museum tickets while you're buying the metro passes.
So, get ready to go!  The Paris Metro website has some other great things for you to spend your money on, like airport transfers, tickets to shows, guided visits to places outside Paris - just take a look at all you can do (and try not to drool in the process)!
Oh yeah, I forgot.  If you are planning to visit Paris very soon, and you want to go to the Eiffel Tower, you might want to visit the website  Only one of four elevators are working right now, and if you have to buy tickets, the wait can be up to two hours...

Bon voyage!

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