France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

01 November 2012

The 1st of November - la Toussaint!

Bonjour tout le monde!
Today is November 1, which is la Toussaint in France.  It is the day that celebrates all the saints who don't have his or her own day.  This is also the day where we celebrate those who have passed on  - in France, the French visit the cemetery, clean up the family plot and go to mass.  School kids get the week off, and others will have the day off also.  But today is Thursday, so  many will "faire le pont", literally use Friday as a bridge to the weekend.
For those of you who read French, here is an explanation from the coolest website, which explains current events to young school age French kids.
Alors, Happy Toussaint!

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