France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

17 December 2012

Bonjour tout le monde,
This website is a cool one, especially for French teachers.  It takes one news article and explains it to young French students (think around 8-10 years old).  Why I like it?  Because as Americans, we don't always have insight into French culture, and because the articles are for young kids, it is easy to understand.  Last year's presentation the French election priceless in helping me understand the process and then to explain it to my students.
Entries on French reflections on American activities and happenings can also show us how we are seen by the French.  A good example is their explanation of our American politics and election.  Another example is today's explanation of Friday's happening in Sandy Hill.  Simple, effective, and to the point.
I look at it at least once a week - why not give it a try?

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