France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

12 March 2013

la neige à Paris!

Bonjour tout le monde!
It is March, but don't tell the weather.  It snowed in Northern Europe last night and today, pretty much bringing everything to a halt.  Even the Eurostar wasn't running, and it pretty much runs all the time.  When I was a student in Paris (back in the dark ages of the 70's), it snowed, but quickly changed to very dirty slush. Ugh.  However, in November of 2005, it snowed, just a couple of inches.  Enough to make everything white, but not enough to bring all to a halt.  In Versailles, people got a kick out of being the first to walk in the beautiful white snow and building a bonhomme de neige.  I will have to look for my old snowy photos, but to keep you until then, here is a photo of my favorite Canal St. Martin looking pretty with a coat of snow today (courtesy of the Huffington Post).

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