France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

19 May 2013

La fin d'année scolaire

Bonjour tout le monde!
The school year is coming to an end; the first year that I haven't had to deal with finals, last minute grading and questions about how many points someone has to have on his/her exam to make an A.  I have really missed the interaction with students (but not all the meetings) and hanging out with my colleagues on campus.
So, I have been working with private clients.  Mostly tutoring, but I had a group of ladies who are leaving soon for visits to France and other venues, and also a conversation class with a wonderful older man who tells me fantastic stories.
I enjoy working one on one with students; explaining grammar concepts and working with vocabulary.  Now that it is the end of the year, I have become very popular.  Things are picking up for about 10 more days, so if you want to take a conversation course, brush up on what you learned in school, or want to start from scratch, contact me!
Don't worry if you aren't "geographically" perfect - we can do webinars and skype!
A bientôt!
Since school is almost out, here is a slice of summer in Paris

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