France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

15 June 2013

Sunday morning television

Bonjour tout le monde!
It is Sunday morning in Paris, and I am watching television.  It is interesting to see what kind of channels we have in the hotel - no CNN, but BBC world does a good job of letting me know what is going on in the world.  What is really interesting is what American shows exist here on French channels.  Since I have been here, I have seen episodes of Crossing Jordan, NCIS: LA, and Macguyver.  That was interesting...
Like usual, Sunday morning on television is a combination of children's shows (including Scooby Doo), news, and documentaries.  Right now I am watching a documentary about American cheerleaders on a French channel. It talks about the real compared to the ideals that are show in movies and on television. They included a part about African American cheerleaders - who was highlighted?  Crenshaw, Dorsey and Farifax High Schools in Los Angeles.  Whoa.
Also included are cheerleaders for causes, like anti-racism.  It is strange to see how something so American is detailed, dissected and discussed by someone outside our culture.
Eh bien, more later.

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