France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

24 August 2013

All aboard the train to Babylon

In Penn Station, there are several spots where travelers wait to see what track their train leaves from.  It reminds me of bettors at the race track looking at the current race.  I almost expect some to scowl and throw down betting slips.   The minute a track is posted, half of the crowd starts down the hallway like kids late for class. 
Many are going to the beach and have Starbucks drinks in hand.  Gotta love public transport!
They called our train and everyone immediately turned to go down the stairs. And we still had to wait for the train while jockeying for the best spot to stand; is this where the doors will be?  We did pretty well, the doors have closed and we are on the way to Long Island!

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