France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

01 April 2014

Poisson d'avril - April Fool's Day

Bonjour tout le monde!
Today is April 1 or April Fool's Day.  In France, it is the Poisson d'avril, the time that kids make paper fish and try to stick them on the backs of unsuspecting people.  When I traveled with students, we were often in France on this day, and could see people walking down the street with little fish taped to their backs.  I even saw one attached to the front bumper of a car in Arromanches!
The origins of this day all seem to revolve around the change of calendars way back when.  Historically, April 1 was the start of the new year.  It sort of makes sense; spring is considered the season of renewal, so why not begin the year on this date?  People would celebrate with new clothes, and festivities that celebrated the return of warmth, flowers, and new life.  Charles IX reportedly created New Year's Day on January 1 to unify all the parts of France.  However, there were still those who insisted on celebrating New Year's Day on April 1.  They were called fools, and were the brunt of jokes and pranks on that day.
I am not very good at pulling pranks on folks, since I don't do very well lying (I don't have a poker face).  I do enjoy watching the television to see which jokes worked.
Here are several pranks that happened today:

For more information on the history of le poisson d'avril:

How about you?  Did you prank anyone today?  Were you the subject of an April Fool's joke?  Do tell!

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