France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

25 July 2014

An amazing opportunity

Bonjour tout le monde!
I used to travel with students to Europe. I had a blast.  People used to tell me that it seemed like so much work, but not really.  I just thought of my group as one giant family.  Depending on the size, we could be like the Duggar family (more than 19), or just a mom, dad and 7 kids - an intimate group. It was a pain sometimes, usually when it was necessary to get everyone together, or when it was time to go to bed. However, I used to wonder who got more out of the experience, them or me.  I think that I got to know these kids better and on a different level.  Did they like to eat certain things, how adventurous were they, were they willing to go with the flow without question?  I guess that "getting my bluff in early" with my one rule - Don't embarrass me - worked for the most part, and I really only had one trip that came close to disastrous.
Now I travel with adults, which is the same and different at the same time.  I don't have to answer the same question more than twice, and we usually get to meeting points on time.  Then again, I don't have to keep up with them, since, well, they are adults!  And they get my jokes. We have more time to explore, and sometimes the wine comes with dinner!
I am taking a group of adults to the South of France and Paris this September.  Since I have been talking about this for awhile, you have heard all about it, but didn't act in time to assure your spot on the tour.  Well, sometimes you are given a second chance because just yesterday, TWO spots have opened for the September 18 tour!  Come with me, and an experienced tour director for 10 days of beautiful and historic sites, great food, and fun companions.  This opportunity is for you, and you don't even have to live in the Los Angeles area to take advantage.
Don't wait - you know that you wanted to come before, so let's go!  Call Go Ahead Tours, 800-438-7672 and ask for Britney Everett today!

En route on the Airbus 380

Tuilerie Gardens, Paris

The Eiffel Tower from the best kept spot in Paris (but I can show you)

The Promenade des Anglais in Nice

A beautiful town in southern France

Great wine!

Delicious meals (sooooooooo good)

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