France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

13 November 2014

Liberty and freedom

Bonjour tout le monde,
I am doing some research about France and World War 1, especially since this week included Armistice Day in France.  During  the research, I found out how the Americans dealt with the German population here in the States.  It is said that Americans were so suspicious of Germans that they killed German shepherds.  Before WWI, the second most spoken language in the US was German, but German language books were banned and burned.  Frankfurters, hamburgers, sauerkraout and dachshuds all got new names:  Liberty dogs, burgers, liberty cabbage and liberty dogs were created. 
Freedom fries, anyone?  I guess that this generation is not the first to change the names of things that they didn't like.

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