France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

17 March 2021

I'm back! And going to France in 2022!

 Bonjout tout le monde!

I realize that it has been "a minute" since I have written a blog post.  There isn't any excuse; I was trying something new, got into travel, and then...2020 happened.  It was very hard to stay inside, and not travel, even within my own city! So, I ordered groceries and food, binge watched television and learned all about Zoom.
Now things are looking up!  Restrictions are being lifted, people are getting vaccinated and we can even eat inside of restaurants!  It's time to think about travel, and there isn't a moment to lose.  I am organizing a tour of the French Riviera and Paris, with the possibility of also touring Normandy.  

If you are interested, there is an informational Zoom coming up on Monday, March 24 at 5 pm 
PDT.  RSVP to get Zoom info at email address .  Can't make the meeting but still have questions?  contact me at or fill out the information form here:

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