France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

15 April 2021

Notre Dame de Paris

 Bonjour tout le monde!

Two years ago, I was on a plane back from Portland; when we landed I turned my phone on - it blew up with messages like "Oh my God, are you watching?", and "Oh no, Notre Dame!"
We were still in our seats while I quickly googled Notre Dame and then gasped so loudly that people turned around.
"Notre Dame is burning!" Some fellow passengers then looked at their phones, but I think that they were not feeling it like me. It was as if we were on the cusp of losing a family member. I was glued to the television while tears were waiting to fall. It was heart wrenching to see the spire fall into the flames.
I remember all the times I have been into Notre Dame to see all the windows; each time I would light a candle to pray for a good trip. A couple of times, I was blessed enough to be inside the cathedral while the organist was practicing - it gave me goosebumps.
Notre Dame is still the heart and soul of Paris; it is still being secured so that work can begin, but she will be restored back to its original design plus the 19th century "improvements".
Some of my photos of Notre Dame (including the kilometre zero), and one of the fire.

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