France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

22 July 2010

On a presque fini!

I can't believe that my program is almost over!  We have had such a wonderful time getting to know each other, and also learning about different aspects of France.  Today's aspect was politics; in France that is always very interesting.  I can't tell you how many political parties there are, but there are 3 major parties (pour mes eleves AP, quelles sont ces parties?)
After a wonderful lunch at a sandwich shop, I went to the pharmacy on the corner to ask for something for my ankle (which looks like a target pretty much with red around a center white dot).  You have to ask for things like that, and I got a cortisone cream, which is what I wanted!  Then, we went to the Museum of the Deportation and Holocaust.  It was informative and and  pretty cool.  The most fun happened on the way home.  The tickets that our group director gave us were for groups, and there were people on the train who were checking tickets. If you have a group ticket, you are supposed to be in a group, and there were only two of us together.  The guy let us off without a fine, but informed us that a group is 10 or more.  Whew!  Then there were also gendarmerie (national police), too.  We were so happy to get to our stop without more trouble...
This evening was a oenology evening.  The guy was so knowledgeable, plus he made his own food, as he runs a restaurant of 5/6 tables.  We tasted 5 wines, plus had a shrimp bisque, pizza with anchovies (oh, so salty), homemade gingerbread with foie de canard, and a fondant flourless chocolate cake.
Our wine guide for the evening at the door of his restaurant.

 Gingerbread with foie de canard.

Pizza with tomatoes, anchovies and olives.  Tasty, but way too salty for me.

1 comment:

  1. Madame,

    I had no idea you started a blog!

    Facebook told me you were heading out to France to enjoy some of the 14 juillet festivities (canicule...), so I was patiently waiting for FB photos. Now I can see your photos on this blog.

    This has actually given me a lot of motivation to re-energize my blog as well. Won't tell you what it is until I get it back on its feet.

    Hopefully, I'll have it up and running by this weekend. Thanks to your teaching at Prep, I've continued French studies and will be heading out to Haiti this weekend as a translator for our group.

    I'll make sure to let you know how it goes.

    I can't say it enough: merci mille fois, Madame!
