France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

15 June 2013

A fun Saturday night

Bonjour tout le monde!
I should say bonsoir, but I forgot to write this last night.  After a fun day of exploring Paris and visiting my old                         stomping grounds in the 7th arrondissement.  The building where I lived was bought awhile back by the Ile de France, and is now an office building.  But it's still there, along with the Pagode theater and the Cine-Image across the street that sells vintage movie posters.
But of course all that walking makes one hungry, so a bunch of us went to dinner at the coolest place ever: Restaurant Bouillon-Chartier.  They don't take reservations, so you come and stand in line.  Someone comes down the line and asks how many are in your party.  Then you wait.  Sometimes you see parties of 2 or 3 go by (we were 6), and then the group in front of you gets seated and you can move towards the sacred front material barrier.  When you are called "six!"  you are seated in the restaurant - sometimes you share a table, but we were perfect for a table of 6.  We had a first course, main course, dessert, and wine - and the total was incredibly small, only 22 euro/person!
But what makes this place awesome is that entering the doors is like going back into time...waiters in white shirts with black bow ties and vests and a long white apron.  They take your order by writing it down on the white squares of paper that cover the table.  At the end of the dinner, our waiter (actually, a waitress, a sign that there is progress) did the math on the paper with her pen; that was our check!

The line.  Not too long, but just after this, it was down the street.

The interieur, with luggage racks for packages.

Dinner!  Lamb chops and fries...note that there is no bread plate.  

Here is the link to the restaurant's website -
Bon appetit!

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