France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

19 September 2013

Learning another langugage

Bonjour tout le monde!
I had another blog post in mind, but found this on my Facebook this morning.  I went to the site, and loved what I read.  It doesn't matter which language you're interested in, check this out.  What I found the most interesting is the idea that once you're an adult, you can't learn like a child anymore.  Of course we can't, because we usually need more information, and how to sound literate in a shorter amount of time.  I also loved the idea of learning as much vocabulary as possible, because the more you have to work with, the more you can say.  Here is the original post:
So, what to do if you want to start or continue another language?  Look online; there are podcasts (if you like to listen), plus all sorts of things to watch, and you can even listen in "easy French" on
And after all that, you're ready to have conversation classes with me, and then go with me to France!

Helpful websites: Think CNN in French.  There is also an English version website.  This website has all sorts of things to watch and do; the news from France, Belgium and Switzerland (at different times) plus you can watch various shows which are shown on French television.  France 2 is a television station, and you can go from there to other things and sites. A popular French radio station.  Although the music is pretty much international, it's fun to listen to what they are talking about. And you can keep up with what's happening!  This is a website for younger French kids, but I always find it useful in a cultural way, especially when they talk about French stuff, like politics.  I found out an awful lot that way.  Now you have to register, but it's free, and fun. and Two French newspapers - the level of vocabulary is higher, but often fun to read.

Not interested in French?  Google your language, and see what is out there for you!

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