France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

30 December 2014

What you learn when you go to Paris

Bonjour tout le monde!

While I was looking over Facebook, I found this little article (there are others lilke this - perhaps you can create your own, or we can do it together!) about what Americans learn while in Paris...

I like the one about gerunds - never thought about it before!  Le parking and le footing are great examples.

When I was last in Paris, I learned that Parisians do like Starbucks.  However, they tend to sit and drink, just like in a regular cafe.  I think that only we Americans walk around with the cups.  Yes, I have bought a Starbucks cup from Paris; I'm going to get another one, too, the next time I'm there! And remember, go to the bathroom before you leave the store!  (If you are really stuck and are around the Opera district, go to the Galeries Lafayette, their bathrooms are clean and cheap)

I am always in a Paris frame of mind...

What is the most interesting thing that you have learned about being in Paris?  Respond in the comments below.

Happy New Year!

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