France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

26 October 2015

About those locks of love...

Bonjour tout le monde,
As I wrote a while ago, the Pont des Arts has been ravaged by tourists 'locking their love' with real locks on the bridge.  Eighteen months ago, one of the panels on the bridge, weighed down by tons of locks, fell into the Seine.  As it turns out, love is quite heavy.  Tons of locks were cut off before the wire panels were removed.
Now the Pont des Arts has panels that are decorated by local street artists.  However that has not deterred determined lovers, who put locks almost everywhere in the City of Lights.  The Pont l'Eveque is currently threatened by the weight of love.
This article is about what is happening to the passenger bridge.  How would you like to see this bridge, and others, in person?  Come with me to Paris and Barcelona, June 26 - July 4, 2016.  We will visit these two awesome cities, walk the Champs Elysees and the Rambla in Barcelona, feast on some great cuisine, and even taste Spanish cava on one of the excursions.  Time and space are running out, only $300 is needed right now to guarantee that you are not shut out.

The NY Times' article

Information on Paris and Barcelona 2016:

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