France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

13 June 2023

Le Train Bleu

 Bonjour tout le monde,

This past January, I went to Paris with a cousin and my daughter to celebrate a shared birthday with my cousin.  We had a great time shopping, eating, more shopping, more eating, and a visit to the Louvre thrown in.

Highlights of the trip included dinner at le Train Bleu, a fabulous restaurant that opened in 1901 as a "buffet de la gare".  That is because it is located in the Gare de Lyon (one of the 7 train stations in Paris).  Soon, this buffet became "the" place for high society travelers.  In 1963, the restaurant was named Le Train Bleu to commemorate the Paris-Vintimille” line that stopped at towns along the Mediterranean coast. 

This is the most amazing restaurant; the décor is from the Belle Epoque, with lots of paintings of pastoral scenes.  The menu includes their famous rack of lamb, which is on a wheeled trolley.  I did not order that, but had the steak instead.  The waiters are amazing, and there is even a presentation about the grand history of trains. 

If you have the time (and the $$) be sure to make reservations to eat at this wonderful spot.

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