France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

13 July 2010

Vieux Lyon

Today, after breakfast, I went out to see what I could see.  The shopping is going to be too good, so I will leave that for another day.  I followed streets to the Saone River, and crossed it to find Vieux Lyon.  (pour mes eleves AP, quel est l'ancien nom de Lyon?).  I bought a ticket on the funicular, and went up to, well, I'm not sure.  But I got off, and managed to find my way past a dog who was too hot/lazy to get up and chase me, but did bark, to the Gallo-roman ruins. 

This is what I had for lunch - it was delicious, and I also had a dessert; all of this came to 6 euro 20!  Pas mal!  Mes eleves AP doivent deviner ce qu'il y a dans le sandwich - 3 choses...

In order to get to Vieux Lyon, the upper part, I took the funicular.  I bought a ticket aller-retour for 2 euro 40, and you had to put the ticket in the right way to go, and to come back.  I managed!  Here are some other photos of Lyon.
More later!

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