France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

29 April 2013

un nouveau portable

Bonjour tout le monde!
Today I had to say goodbye to my Droid 3.  Somehow it had gotten "wet", although I didn't drop it into water or anything.  Evidently, all it takes is some moisture, like taking it into the bathroom while taking a shower or stuff like that.  I tried to keep it as long as possible; methods I used to do that were so funny, and I am not going to say them here because I am sort of embarrassed.  Circumstances prevent me from upgrading at this moment, so I had to go with something that we had here - now I feel good about not getting rid of all our unused technology!
Therefore, my "new" phone (or portable in French), is a Droid 2.  I have spent most of my day finding and installing apps that I had on the 3.  Most of them work (Pinterest and Instragram, ouais!), but I can't download Skype because I no longer have a reverse camera.  Sigh.  I also seem to have lost some photos from the old device, but since I have Dropbox (also newly downloaded on the new/old Droid), I think that I can find those also.  Also good - a longer life battery.  I no longer have to take my charger with me at all times and constantly look for a plug.
The biggest thing?  The time that I spent on the phone this morning activating the new/old portable, and the time it has taken to get the apps that I now seem not to be able to live without, then remember the passwords so that I can make them work.  Fortunately, I managed to take the passwords off the Droid 3 password keeper before its final breaths.
So, technology has made our lives easier, but sometimes just sucks your time into some sort of technology black hole.
A plus tard...

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