France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

17 June 2013

North and South

Bonjour tout le monde!
We left Paris this morning.  Yesterday we had a great day, but I will write more about that later.  As we left our hotel, the sky was very dark and menacing.  By the time we got to the Gare de Lyon, it was pouring. It let up enough that I did not have to search for my umbrella.  The gare is lovely, and you need to visit the main hall 1 to see the old style and the Train Bleu, a cool restaurant done in the old style with lots of paintings and big lamps.  Our train left on time, and we were soon flying towards the blue sky (almost literally, as we outran the rainy weather).  
Here in the south, it is hot and humid. I am so glad that I packed lots of light clothing and have a fan.  We visited Cezanne's painting studio in the town of Aix-en-Provence, and then did a walking tour of the town.  There was at one time a tax on windows, so on many buildings some windows are blocked in, or the owners have had "trompe l'oeil" fake windows painted in their place.  Tonight - a Provencal dinner.

On the television - the French version of 4 Weddings, Macguyver, Murder She Wrote as well as Psych.  Different stations, naturally, with some Spanish and Italian stations thrown in.
A demain!

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