France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

18 June 2013

Un jour a Arles

Bonjour tout le monde!
Today we had breakfast on the terrace of our hotel.  Although it was 7:45 am, the day was already on its way to being hot and humid.  I was dragging a little bit from our fabulous provencal dinner sous le ciel (or al fresco).  We visited Arles today - where Vincent van Gogh spent time painting.  Arles is also the center of the Provencal area, and has many Roman artifacts and buildings.  Our guide was very sweet and told us great stories of the area.  We had lunch by the arena, then wandered down the shopping street.  After walking a little bit along the banks of the Rhone, we boarded the bus to return to our hotel and actually got in some relaxation by the pool!  Tomorrow is our last day in France, and then it's on to Italy!
When you travel with Go Ahead, the luggage is handled for you.  I didn't know how much a luxury that was until I actually got it!  All those years traveling with EF and carrying bags up and down stairs and elevators.  However, I do miss the kids and hope to travel with some next summer before organizing another Go Ahead tour.  I am still thinking a food and wine tour in France; you will want to be a part of my group because it's going to be awesome!
The main 'place' in Arles

A Roman aqueduct outside Arles - it is in the center of a  also went on  both sides of the road.

The hospital where Van Gogh stayed after cutting his ear.

All bridges on the Rhone were bombed by the Allies before the landing on the Var in August 1944

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