France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

20 August 2013

L'oeil comme un aigle - my eagle eye

Bonjour tout le monde!
In the past 5 weeks I have been working!  Ouais - I have been freelancing as a proofreader/editor for a French cruise company.  Now most of you will say that this is right up my alley, since I love travel and cruising.  But who knew that this job would spark my love of proofing and editing?  The work came to me in English already, and I would read the itinerary (programme, en francais) for grammar, syntax and American vocabulary usage.  Not much French there, but that was really OK.
Since there is a 9 hour time difference between France and CA, I would have my work in my email inbox in the morning, and I could work "at my leisure" during the day.  If it was late a night, I could even have an email conversation with one of my translators!  It was fun to learn about, sorta kinda, all the cities along the different rivers in Europe, and even a couple in Cambodia, Vietnam, Cyprus and Israel!  Now there are a ton of places that I want to visit.  I worked with three people whom I have never met, but who have become my friends.,
But that wasn't the huge surprise - I LOVE to proofread!  Little mistakes just jump out at me, whether or not I'm working.  I was in a conference call the other day, and pointed out that an event was listed as one date on one page, and another date on another page.  Then, I don't want to be a prissy prof, and don't worry mes amis, I will not point out your errors. 
Got papers or documents that you need to have someone proof it for style, grammar and stuff?  That would include high school seniors who need another eye on college application essays, AP free response essay practice (in English or in French), those who are looking to craft that perfect cover letter, or just want to write better.  The coolest thing is that you don't even have to be local - there is email and Pay Pal - and I am raisonnable in my rates. :)
A bientot!  Enjoy what is left of your summer.

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