France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

14 August 2013

Here and there in Paris

As seen from the roof 
Bonjour tout le monde,
I have the greatest time in Paris walking around and looking at all the wonderful buildings and monuments. One of my favorite places in Paris is the roof of the Galeries Lafayette. As you can see from this photo, the view is awesome.  I love the rooftops, the back of the Opera Garnier, and the Eiffel Tower.  No matter what the weather, I can find a beautiful view on the roof. In the summer, there is even ice cream!
There are all sorts of people up on the roof; tourists, weary shoppers, and folks just up there catching some rays.
On the roof of the Galeries Lafayette
So, there is this monument on the roof dedicated to Jules Vedrines, the aviator who landed a Caudron C3 airplane on the roof of the building!  He won 25,000 francs for the feat.  Evidently, he was also the first pilot to fly at more than 100 mph. I always wondered about the man behind the monument; as they all seemed to be in those days, he was quite the daredevil.
In the garden of the Qatar embassy
The other interesting thing that I saw in Paris was this giant candy wrapper - it is located in the courtyard garden of the Qatar Embassy.  The wrapper is painted in the colors of the country, and since it is located right at the end of the Champs-Elysees just across from the Arc de Triomphe, everyone can see the giant candy - and probably have pictures just like me!  I am sure that there is a story in there somewhere, but I can't remember even if there was one!

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