France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

05 May 2014

Sur la Table

Bonjour tout le monde!
I love to cook.  For me, being in the kitchen is a sort of therapy.  I find the perfect recipe, which for me usually means not to many steps, go to the grocery store for the ingredients, and then I cook.  I'm pretty good at following directions, which makes recipes great for me.  I have, though, honed the craft of adding little bits of this or that to see how it tastes (no complaints yet).
I think that the process of cutting, boiling, or baking is what I enjoy.  It's just me, the words on the paper (and more commonly now, the computer) and the ingredients on the counter.  I don't have to think about much more, except making sure that whatever I am doing comes out right.  That is the therapy part. And, we eat.
Then, it is on to making my table look beautiful.  When I travel, I love to buy tablecloths and the matching napkins.  They are not only a cool souvenir, they are useful, too.  I use cloth napkins because they are pretty, and because I am not putting more stuff in landfills.  Naturally, after a dinner, I throw everything into the washing machine, the dryer, and then I iron them.  Yeah, I'm anal...
This morning I came across this blog titled "5 Things That Will Make Your Kitchen More Parisian", and I was intrigued.  Would I pass the test?  Do I have it, the Parisian kitchen?
Almost.  I got #1, there is an almost empty bottle of  #2, but I'm going to have to do the lentils, which is an awesome idea.  The finishing salt will have to wait a little bit, but I'm all over the cloth napkins.  Now, for a new butter bell...
How about you?  What's in your kitchen?  And if you have any finishing salt (fleur de sel), where did you get it?

My table - the cloths are French from Provence and Basque (in background).  I made the bread, too.

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