France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

06 May 2013

I am a (re)inventor!

Bonjour tout le monde!
Many of you know that I am a French teacher.  However, right now I am not in the classroom, and have begun to think of ways that I can (re) invent myself.  Why?  Well, why not?  These days, people have several careers in their working lifetime.  I've only had one - geez, I'm behind already!
So, what do I love?  I love teaching.  It is so much fun to work with kids and teach them the finer points of the French language.  I have been tutoring for the past couple of months, and every time I finish a lesson I am exhilarated  my love for French and teaching it has been renewed.  I miss the teaching and even sometimes the grading, but not the meetings... and some paperwork...
I love France.  Many of my friends have asked me for information when they visit "l'hexagone" because I know how to get around.  I am currently tutoring, both high school students and adults.  I have a conversational French client, and I had a series of classes in which I worked with people going to France.  In that class, they not only got useful phrases, but information on getting around, and also about my favorite places in Paris.  What is most important is that I know about the French culture, and how our American culture can clash with the French on occasion.  More on that in a different post.
Because I have taught all levels of language, I became an expert at helping students craft a well organized and written essay.  It is a talent that can be used in both French and English, and it actually comes in handy for student's college recommendations, articles that I have written, and really cool blog entries! I have even become popular with my own family who have sent me writing to proofread for grammar, spelling,  and organization.
So, what does one do with the following skills: fluent in French, good at grammar in both French and English;,being a wordsmith, knowledge of French culture and a passion for teaching?  
Alors, here I am - an executive language coach. I can help you with French, and also with English, especially with grammar.  If you would like help with a writing project in English, I can help you there, too!
I will still be posting about France, but now and then I will talk about other stuff, but inside and out I remain La Croque Madame, a woman with a passion for speaking French and traveling.

Where can I help you go today?

Jacki Williams-Jones
Executive Language Coach

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