France 2022

France 2022
Old Town Nice, France

11 May 2013

Mother's Day/La Fête des Mères

Bonjour tout le monde!
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms in the US.  Although I understand that many countries celebrate mothers on the second Sunday in May, in France,  Mother's Day is the last Sunday in May  (unless it conflicts with Pentecost, then it's the first Sunday in June).  Therefore, if you were in France right now, you would still have time to purchase your mom that wonderful gift you had in mind without battling all the other last minute shoppers!
In France, Sunday is already the day of family.  Most shops are closed, especially department stores.  Many families routinely have lunch or dinner together "en famille", so there isn't that rush to get reservations at a restaurant.  Therefore, la Fête des Mères is a typical Sunday with more stuff. Mom is celebrated with flowers, gifts of jewelry, and cakes that are made to look like bouquets.  Of course, there are plenty of advertisements that suggest cool things to give mom... I have to admit, I'm interested in the stand mixer :)
Here is a cool vintage Mother's Day card from 1947.

Je vous souhaite une bonne Fête des Mères, n'importe où se trouve votre mère (encore vivante, ou au Ciel)

Bonne fête!

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